Keto Beginner Grocery List Top 15 Foods You Need


Keto Beginner Grocery List Top 15 Foods You Need. In this article, we’ll discuss what you need on your shopping list if you are starting the ketogenic diet. Hi ladies and gentlemen. I’m Dr. Luis Darin. In this article, we’re talking about the keto beginner grocery list. We’ve all been there.

If you haven’t started on the ketogenic diet yet then you will go there too. And if you’ve been on the ketogenic diet you’ve all been in the first couple weeks of it going oh my gosh what am I going to eat? I’m hungry what do I eat?

I don’t want to eat these terrible foods that are in my house and things like that. So we have to make sure that we have some of these you know quick go-to foods. So what I want to do is just discuss all the different foods that you all must-have in your house if you’ve to start the ketogenic diet. And at the end of this article, I have a favor to ask not only for myself but also for everyone else in the community so we can all help each other out following the ketogenic diet very successfully. So let’s go ahead and talk about these foods now.

01– Cream Cheese (Keto Beginner Grocery List)
The first is cream cheese. Your cream cheese is a huge one that is on the ketogenic diet if you’re going to make fat bombs. If you’re going to make desserts, if you’re going to make a lot of the different foods out there they involve cream cheese. Make sure that you have cream cheese ready to go because a lot of the recipes you will find in a ketogenic diet involve cream cheese.

02- Butter
Next is butter. You know having lots of butter is good because it is a big quality fat. It’s good for you especially in the ketogenic diet you’re always trying to push those fats so good grass-fed butter is important. Heavy whipping cream is a very staple food while on the ketogenic diet as well.


Cheese is another good one as well. Again you’re getting lots of good fats here and pretty much all the types of cheese. You know mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, all the different one because you’re going to find that a lot of different recipes are calling for cheese. Make sure you’re stocked up on cheese.


And eggs are a huge one. My goodness, I didn’t even know. When I first started the ketogenic diet I had no idea how many eggs we would actually go through. You know one of the things I like to make is cloud bread. You can make cloud bread pizzas you can make all different types of flavored bread with this cloud bread. You can put cheese on it. So anyway it’s really good but one of the things it does it absolutely consumes all the eggs in the household. So you a lot of people also do hard boiling eggs eating eggs for breakfast. I find that a lot of people are consuming enormous amounts of eggs on the ketogenic diet. So anyway you’re going to find that many of the recipes call for many eggs. So make sure you have lots of eggs.


Next is bacon. Once again you know I have a ketogenic cookbook that I use and its funny because I think every third recipe actually calls for bacon. So anyway make sure you have bacon in the house because many of the recipes are going to call for that.
Next is sweeteners make sure that you have monk fruit which is a great one, stevia, erythritol is a great one and last is xylitol okay. The first three monk fruit, stevia, and erythritol are going to be the best but xylitol is great too. You can mix some of that in. As a matter of fact, I like to use an erythritol and xylitol blend.


Next here is salmon, good fatty meat there. Salmon good fatty fish.


Chicken, make sure you’re getting some good quality pasture-raised chickens there. Grass-fed beef you know it’s going to be high in fat, high in K2. Want to make sure that you get that good grass-fed beef in.

Coconut flour and almond flour
Coconut flour and almond flour are pretty much the two staple flours that you’ll use on the ketogenic diet. Make sure you have those in the house.


Avocados are a huge one they’re good go-to food. I like to actually pack them in my lunch and just put a little bit of sea salt on them. They’re easy to throw on any meal if you’re just trying to get some more fat in some good quality fat they taste great. Like I said I like them plain with just a little bit of sea salt on them and I’m perfectly happy with that. But, also on the ketogenic diet you can make avocado ice cream, you can make avocado pudding. There are so many different avocado recipes out there because they’re great quality fat. So make sure you ordering up avocados.


And then next here is spinach. Spinach is a really important food to have on the ketogenic diet as well. Cabbage is an easy go-to. Lots of different recipes are calling for that. Cauliflower is a huge one. A lot of people are using cauliflower in so many ways. Cauliflower crust pizzas, cauliflower mashed up which is also good it’s almost like a mashed potato.

Cauliflower (Keto Beginner Grocery List)

You can use cauliflower fried rice which is good as well so anyway. Cauliflower is a huge staple in the ketogenic diet, make sure you have it.

Next here is asparagus. Asparagus is great. If your wrap asparagus in bacon it’s even better so make sure you have bacon and asparagus. Put a little parmesan cheese on that its great.

Sea Salt (Keto Beginner Grocery List)
Sea salt is a really important thing to make sure you have in your house when you are doing the ketogenic diet because you’re going to want to get those extra minerals in especially in the beginning. So when we look at sea salt it has eighty trace minerals in it so we want to make sure we’re getting the sodium, the potassium, magnesium, calcium so we want to make sure we’re using that sea salt. Sprinkling that sea salt right on those avocados is a great way to get a great fat and also get those minerals in. Next is no salt. I usually will put some sea salt and some no salt on my avocado. No salt is basically potassium it is literally called no salt. You can get it in a container in the store. That’s a great one to have so you can keep those potassium levels up as well.

Olive Oil (Keto Beginner Grocery List)

Olive oil is great, great fat. Coconut oil is a good fat to have. And macadamia nuts are a great go-to if you just need a snack throughout the day sometime. So anyway these are some of my top foods that I would say you just have to have in your house if you are starting the ketogenic diet.

And what I’d like you to do to help me out and also to help the rest of the community out is share with us some of the top foods you have in your house while following the ketogenic diet. So that no only can I find success with it but the whole community can find success and we can help each other out.


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