How to Break a Weight Loss Stall on the Ketogenic Diet



I went to a Ketogenic Diet conference here in Austin Texas called KetoCon. I’ve met so many people and many have different success stories and different approaches to the Keto Diet. It’s no wonder there aren’t any clear rules that everyone must follow. It all depends on the Macros you calculate for your own body. The diet rules are pretty much the same but the intake can vary. Some people are extremely strict, while others tend to vary the diet based on their lifestyle. I think the biggest take away for me was the fact that we are all different and if you find something that works for you, go for it! It’s all about how you feel and you are the only one that knows yourself best.

At the conference, I spoke with many people who have been doing the Keto diet for 2 to 3 years! I asked just about every person to break down what a day of eating on Keto looks like for them. You know what I noticed? I noticed that most people eat a meat with fat and very little veggies for every single meal.

The next thing I noticed was that most said they only eat 1 or 2 times a day at most. People who have been doing the Keto diet will understand this because you are the ones that know you become less hungry.

My way of thinking about this diet was a bit different at the time. Growing up it was a habit in our home to have meat, veggies, starch, and bread as a typical meal. On the Keto Diet, I tend to think meat and veggies but veggies topped with butter.