How to Break a Weight Loss Stall on the Ketogenic Diet


Halleluja! Friends! I have figured out How to Break a Weight Loss Stall on the Ketogenic Diet!! But first, I feel the need to explain a few things…

First, no one really understands why we start to stall on the keto diet. Keep in mind that I am not a doctor. I am only sharing the experience I have and what works for me. I would highly suggest finding a doctor that believes in a low carb diet or Ketogenic diet before you begin.

Even though I feel amazing, I’ve noticed a stall in my weight loss. I feel the need to say the Keto diet has cleared a brain fog that I didn’t even really notice was there. It has also made me feel less bloated, less gassy and my energy is through the roof! That alone is probably one of the reasons I continue with this way of eating. The end result is a bonus when it’s a weight loss. But what about the people who are doing this for weight loss as a primary goal? It just means that all the other benefits are the after thought. The Keto Diet has so many benefits and I’m learning more and more each day.

I myself started to notice a weight loss stall. I figured it was probably my age because the older we are the harder (or slower) it is to lose weight.


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